Welcome to The Book of Jeff
Hi, my name is Jeff and I work as a counsellor, psychotherapist, supervisor, trainer and consultant.
i also write and perform comedy, organise and host music and comedy events, conduct funerals and celebrations. I also tend an allotment, indulge a cat and swim in cold water. In these pages you will find some ideas, pondering and musings, some of which I have been contemplating for years. It has been suggested to me many times that I should consider writing a book, one day I may do so but in the interim, here are a few things I’ve been working on presented here simply as The Book of Jeff. The inspiration for this title comes from the film The Life of Brian which I have probably watched more than 100 times. At one point a ‘Preacher’ begins his address with the words “It is written in the book of Cyril “. This concept continues to capture my imagination. Some of what I have are written has been inspired by my work, some more simply by my observations of the enduring mysteries of life. I am not claiming that anything offered here to be particularly well written or insightful, but simply that some of the ideas or works might be of some interest. "I hope you enjoy what I have written". Warmly Jeff |
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Under the canopy of leaves and moss.
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